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this is a story about rejection. or if you like the elevator pitch "its romeo and juliet in space"
cigarettes took my Dad's Dad. I never meet him. My Dad (Air Force Col.) told me everyday not to smoke cigarettes but when you're heart is always being broken you find yourself doing things that don't make sense. I smoked cigarettes on and off for a long time and its held me back in so many ways. Now that i've quit again i'm back on track and i have my mind back i felt it was necessary to put this video here. if it were just normal tobacco then it probably wouldn't be as addictive. having to think about smoking a cigarette every five minutes is like being enslaved to it, and there's almost no free thought left in the brain except to just smoke cigarettes until you die. MK ULTRA mind control. if you have goals and dreams then figure out what is holding you back. sometimes its our own selves. i have no copyright to these videos.
I also recomend that everyone watches there drinking. id say my life has always been better without alcohol. I find danny trejos AA speech to be most enlightening.
i have no copyright to "monty python and the quest for the holy grail" or "bladerunner" or "once upon a time in the west" or "el mariachi". but this page is about me and one thing i have learned is never to take one self too seriously. film making should be fun and everyone should have the opportunity to have there creative voices heard. my babysitters boyfriend played this movie for me everytime i was finished with all my homework when i was a boy.
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