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this is a story about rejection. or if you like the elevator pitch "its romeo and juliet in space"
drawn 2001, approx. when this car shows up you know that somebody messed up their numbers in a big way. ordinary looking buildings contain hallways that dead end into triangular holes in the wall for floating manager heads that are kept alive by the floating headplate it is mounted to. this helps reduce overhead for the big company omni continental bank. the walls and floors are clear so you can see what other people are doing on other floors and through the walls. and they can all see you. when the building gets raided, they all lift their paperweights off their desks and a heavy duty air system in the building creates a wind vortex and sucks all the paper from the entire building into a central industrial size shredder in the basement, right next to the furnace and incinerator. here below when the car stops, someone gets out but we don't see any feet for some reason.

what do you mean "Sinclaire stole the trident password"?! GET ME SINCLAIRE!"
Senator Sinclaire has poisoned the Chicago basketball team to throw the game and win a large bet. Leddbetter, who is is still under contract and in a coma, miraculously arrives to the game to win by himself 200 to 0 in 2090. His collection of Michael Jordan merchandise was worth so much that Leonard Spencer built a place in the Carolinas where the cards and shoes and posters could be viewed for inspiration forever while the video screen in the floor makes you feel like you are walking on the clouds. to give the youth a safe place to practice and get off the streets and follow positive role models. Also Sinclaire somehow also has the stolen password to the trident. and this entire ordeal was just so that leonard could get at him after he loses big money to the mob. Leonard is actually sitting next to him the whole game just watching sinclaire sweat, pretending to be a fanatical fan.
during the game every time the other team has the ball leddbetter steals it. and every time leddbetter has the ball he scores, fouls and all. and he makes freethrows even with serious injury. the referee has also been bought and sinclaire has secretly ordered leddbetter to be hurt, injured or assassinated if nesessary to win his bet but Chicago wins anyway.

the wall of human beings in the back ground is leonard spencer's personal security entourage.

"put haters to sleep" Leddbetter

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