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this is a story about rejection. or if you like the elevator pitch "its romeo and juliet in space"

other departments have had various inputs and designated people over time but some have had a longer term commitment to the project. all the people who have contributed creatively will be rewarded and credited and i will be adding all the names soon...for now wrench of power is not yet signatory to I.A.T.A.E. because it does not yet have an investor and good crew is expensive but worth every penny. so i have been doing a lot of it the slow and hard way for a long time just to get the ball rolling and then sign to I.A.t.s.e. and TEAMSTErs AFTER "eve of 5o29 is completed". or now works too. but currently wrench of power is under the sag/aftra micro budget agreement and max budget is $20k.

associate producer and writing assistant: sophiah Koikas
key grip: stephen b. martinez
concept artist / visual effects / production design: James "BRONZE" perry
i would also like to thank my friends & family and 7-11 and T-Mobile and google and apple and microsoft and amazon and all technology and social media moguls and adobe and all the products and services made by all corporations that i used used to make this idea i had 20 years ago possible. thanks to all the global telecom companies and studios for all the movies and manga and comic books and multimedia and video games AND MERCHANDISE that we have consumed and and grown up with AND CHERISH. and thank you to wix and WWW.youtubE.COM more names coming...i have not forgotten anyone...and god bless the united states of america and all nations and tribes and the united nations.
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